Five reasons why you should grow your own vegetables
- Easy to do - All you need is soil, planter(s) and water!
- Cost Effective - Grocery bills keep increasing year after year especially healthy food choices. Why not start saving hundreds of dollars a year. In a family of four, the money you save could be a trip down south with your family.
- Quality Control - Is it just me or does it seem like much of what we eat now days has little to no taste? How much do we know about what we eat? Are chemicals in your food? Wonder why humans and animals often get sick? Having control over the quality of our food is in my opinion priceless.
- Therapeutic - No matter how stressful your day is, gardening, is a great way to reduce stress. Not only is it distracting but forces you to be outdoors.
- Fun! - Growing your own veggies can be fun for the whole family.
This is an excellent family activity to do with your children. My children now enjoy planting, watering and watching the veggies growth. Not to mention getting their
hands dirty.
In our garden we planted green peppers, red peppers, yellow peppers, cucumbers, zucchini, Romaine Lettuce, Spinach, tomatoes, carrots, green onions, green beans, squash, basil, rosemary, sage, thyme, watermelon and strawberries.
Can you guess what veggies are growing in this picture?
Tip: Green beans grow extremely quickly. The tall green things you see in the back was simply a seed three weeks ago. Hungry Anyone?
Now that I think about it, I might have planted way to many vegetables. Lucky for my neighhours, they will benefit from my garden too. Good think, I like my neighbors.
Not that you have to, but I purchased a small portable green house at Lowe's just before I started my garden. It wasn't expensive ($34.99 + tx) and a great way to keep the seed germination safe and warm until the crops are strong enough to be placed in the ground outside.
A close up photo of what use to be simply a watermelon seed. Isn't that something!
Tomatoes in case you didn't know! :-)
We removed our grass last week and hopefully by early May the soil will be warm enough for us to transplant our veggies outside. Tip: Leave enough room between each row of vegetables so that you may have enough room to get by as you pick your crops.
I can't wait to show you my completed garden. I look forward to showing it off in a few months!!!! Please do share your garden experiences with me too.!! Enjoy your day blogger friends.